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Artist Statement

    I am an artist who makes the story and the art blend. Construction of a story and the differentiating avenues of art like the 2D and the 3D environments, effects and plots I seek to make the works immersive. I focus on the atmosphere of my work to create that immersion by expanding on the somber and quiet side of reality that may be experienced if you removed all noise of human civilization. This style of immersion results in my work being about isolating certain objects or beings and utilizing the environments to focus on those objects or beings.


    Gleam is a melancholic and post-apocalyptic 2D Sci-Fi motion comic with 3D effects. I used Photoshop, Houdini and Wallpaper Engine artwork inside of After Effects. The biblical revelations story platform is used to further contrast the 3D effects by creating an atmosphere that brings the viewer to a calm slow and steady pace then be hit with fast and expansive effects and environments. My body of work is to expand on the interplay of 2D and 3D elements showing how the contrasts of the two creates a greater visual interest.


    What I seek to do with my artwork is be able to expand on this style and take it to a medium like the cinema. I’m going to be exploring the possibilities of 3D effects in Houdini to create visuals that furthers the immersion of a story. In future projects I’ll be capturing moments that exemplify the atmosphere or soul of stories at their height in short clips. I will possibly take my 2D work and change it to live action footage.

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